What to Expect in a Utah Car Accident Court

If you have an accident on a road in Utah and suffer serious injuries,you must visit a Utah car accident court,preferably with a Salt Lake representing you. The jury may decide,after hearing the defense and prosecution arguments,that you were partly to blame for the accident,even if the other driver was largely responsible. In this situation,you must know how this verdict affects your compensation rights.

Utah has an ‘amended comparative fault’ law,where you can claim compensation from drivers who are more to blame than you. Basically,the court determines how much blame to assign to each motorist,then calculates the amount of compensation due accordingly. For instance,if you were judged to be forty percent to blame and the other motorist was sixty percent at fault,and you incurred $20k of medical and repair bills,you would be awarded $12k in compensation.

Juries and judges in Utah are bound by this comparative fault law. It also guides vehicle insurance claim adjusters when they assess cases. Furthermore,remember that,because there’s no foolproof way of assigning blame,any decision concerning this will depend on how well you convince a jury or judge,or negotiate with your claims handler.

In Utah,drivers who have reason to think that they had an accident leading to at least $1.5k of property damage must inform their closest law enforcement office straightaway. In addition,drivers must contact law enforcement immediately if they have an accident that results in the death or injury of someone else.

Laws that were introduced in 2013,and came into effect on the 14th May,2013,gave claimants the right to resolve value disputes regarding property damage from vehicles without restricting their ability to file other claims against the same person,with respect to physical injuries. Your https://www.expertlaw.com/profile/craig-swapp can explain all of this more fully.
