8 Best Ways To Prepare for Your Roof Replacement

Imagine the look on your face when a worker from some construction company arrives at your doorstep, all decked out in protective gear and wearing long gloves. You’ve probably never seen anything like it.


We’re here to help with your home renovations. When you need a new roof, it’s important that the process goes smoothly and without issue after the installation of our product has been completed – so we created an in-depth checklist just for this purpose.

Remove Valuable Items In The Attic

Construction workers are always walking on your roof, pounding it with hammers. They may even be working during the day! You can keep personal items cleaner by covering them in old sheets or drop cloths until they’re done installing their new roofs – but don’t forget to vacuum up any dust after construction is complete too because this will help prevent more dirt from getting into places you don’t want it going when cleaning time comes around again later down the line.

Cut The Grass 

To ensure that our work is done safely, we use a diamond-toothed saw which can cut through up to two inches of wood with each stroke. It takes precision and care not only when trimming trees but also where you place them afterward – close enough so their roots don’t spread out too far or else risk damaging other plants in the perimeter! Apart from these precautions though are important safety measures like always wearing protective gear such as gloves made especially for handling power tools because they protect against accidental injury if there should arise any problems along this line while performing tasks related exclusively towards exterior home projects.

Remove Anything Valuable From Walls in Your Home

If you’ve noticed that your furnace or air conditioner is making more noise than usual, it could be because of vibrations from hammers and machinery on the roof. Vibrations travel through walls especially if there’s wood rot replacement needed in some places which can cause knick-knacks hanging on a wall below to shake as well! If any decorations aren’t permanently secured with screws (including chandeliers), remove them so they don’t fall during an emergency where we need all hands available at our disposal up top for safety reasons – not just yours but everyone else around too since anything might happen

Remove Vehicles From Driveway

A prime parking space is critical to the success of your roofing contractor. We need quick access at all times, not just during daylight hours when people are most likely working on-site; this includes loading materials and unloading debris from our trucks as well! A safe distance between cars also helps keep things clean for everyone else who might enter into work zones without being properly informed about construction conditions or timeframes. Make sure you have plywood protection if entering through garage doors while we’re doing jobs there too.

Move Outdoor Furniture

As our roofers work to replace old shingles with new ones, they will be throwing away any debris from the job. This includes anything that is thrown onto or near your property. Make sure you keep valuable items like furniture far enough away until it’s all finished.

Turn Sprinkler System Off

You need a good waterproofing system for your new roof. If it gets wet, you’ll want to make sure the damage is limited and only affects one section of the home’s exterior before handing over any money upfront – after all, we’re talking about replacing what could cost as much as $25-$50 per square foot!

Arrange Satellite Dish Re-installation

We will remove any antennas or satellite dishes located on your roof. After the replacement, arrange with cable/satellite providers to have them reinstalled as needed, and call us if you need help getting this done! Be careful not to place a dish near one of those problem areas like next door- we know how much water can leak into homes from there due to poor installation practices which could void warranties entirely.

Avoid Letting Pets Or Children In The Yard

Your children and pets maybe a little too excited to see what’s going on with the project while it’s being worked in, so explain that certain areas will have unsafe conditions until they are finished. You could tell them about how dangerous these moments can become if an activity isn’t supervised closely enough or otherwise watched over by parents who understand just how much kids love playing around with power tools.


The roof of your home is one of the most important parts. It protects you from rain, snow, hail storms, and wind. If it becomes damaged or diseased in some way, then many consequences will follow suits such as water leaks into your house, insulation problems, and mold growth among others. These 8 best ways to prepare for a roof replacement should help ensure that when the time comes to replace this vital part of your property. All preparations have been made ahead of time so that things can go smoothly without any surprises or added stress on you and/or the contractor doing the work. 
